DVD Listings

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DVD# Datesort ascending Name Title Category (tags)
182 Oct-10-2024 Holland Island
53 Sep-05-2024 Dale Price Tidewater Farm Club Origin
56 Sep-05-2024 Dale Price Vehicle Restoration for Smithsonian
181 Jun-05-2024 Carol Maurer... "South Dorchester's Medicine Hill Farm" 200 years of history..
180 May-01-2024 Rev. Dan Dunlap "Old Trinity Church " Building structure...
179 Mar-16-2024 Dave Williams "Pirates, Privateers, and Bootleggers of the Chesapeake" History on the Chesapeake Bay
178 Feb-07-2024 Glenn Bramble "Bramble, Pritchett, and other related families" South Dorchester Family History
177 Sep-06-2023 Shelby Clendaniel "Sketches of South Dorchester" Drawings of South Dorchester
176 Aug-02-2023 Art Wheatley "Jones Family Cemetery" on Pig Neck Road Dorchester Cemetery
175 Jun-07-2023 David Williams "Boats of the Chesapeake" Boats and Boatbuilders
174 May-10-2023 Carlton Nabb "Dorchester Farmers and Their Early Roots" Farming
173 Mar-01-2023 Lin Spicer "Oak Grove Church History" Oak Grove Church
172 Feb-01-2023 Andy Nunez "Ghost of the Eastern Shore" Ghost Stories
171 Oct-05-2022 Renna McKinney Heritage of Harrisville and Malone Churches Churches
170 Sep-07-2022 George M. Radcliffe Senator George L. Radcliffe Local History
169 Aug-03-2022 Gen Jim Adkins America's First Line of Defense Military & Wars
168 Jun-01-2022 Terry Crannell Drums Across the Nanticoke Native American History
167 May-01-2022 Dr. Phil Hesser The Education of Harriett Tubman Local History, African-American History
166 Apr-01-2022 Randolph George Restoration of Skipjack Martha Lewis Nautical
165 Mar-09-2022 Rev. Dan Dunlap Tales of the Sam Jones Store Local History
163 Sep-01-2021 Harry Heckathorn Blackwater's Wildlife Videos Blackwater, Wildlife
162 Feb-05-2020 Lee Newcomb James Island Memories Local History
161 Nov-07-2019 Rick Fehey et al 2019 Peter's Voice Highlights Music
160 Sep-04-2019 Rev. Dan Dunlap The Nearly-Forgotten History of Church Creek, MD Local History
158 Jun-05-2019 Dr. Patrica Riley A Preacher's Daughter in South Dorchester Local History
