

Schedule of Events

Lectures are at 7:00 PM at the DCHS, Robbins Heritage Museum -- the time and location of other events are as described below.

The Robbins Heritage Museum is located at: 1003 Greenway Drive, Cambridge, MD.. Flyers with more information on programs are on Home Page under "EVENTS"

January 16, 2024...               Trustee's Meeting.. 4:00  DCHS.

February 7th, 2024               "The Bramble & Pritchett Family History"  by Glen Bramble.. Event on home page..  

March 6th, 2024                     Pirates, Privateers and Smugglers of the Chesapeake..    by Dave Williams...

April  16th, 2024                     Trustee's Meeting.. 4:00   DCHS.

May 1, 2024                            "Old Trinity Church" history..  Presented by Dan Dunlap..

June 5th, 2024                       South Dor.. "Medicine Hill Farm"   by Carol Maurer & Annie Noel Applegarth                                                           

July 16, 2024                          Trustee's Meeting... 4:00  DCHS...                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

August 7, 2024                        "Hollands Island Memories"..  Presented by Casey Todd.. 

September 4th 2024                 "Powell Horsman: Henry's Crossroads".  Presented by Tom Bradshaw....

October 15th 2024                   Trustee's Meeting... 4:00  DCHS

November 6th 2024                  Annual Dinner Meeting...  DCHS.... See events on Home page....